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Entoyment Wargaming and Hobby Centre

POL-7 Cossack Style Cavalry With Rohatyna Spears

POL-7 Cossack Style Cavalry With Rohatyna Spears

Regular price £9.75 GBP
Regular price £12.99 GBP Sale price £9.75 GBP
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Cossack Style Cavalry with Rohatyna Spears

Cossack style cavalry was the core of the national cavalry contingent in the armies of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Thanks to a wide variety of weapons used (firearms, sabres, pistols, sometimes bows) it was a flexible formation that could perform many different tasks. Some units equipped with rohatyna spears were used as additional “shock troops”. On campaigns this formation also performed usual light cavalry tasks like forays, reconnaissance missions and pursuit of the enemy.

Set include 9 mounted models:

1 x leader
1 x standardbearer
7 x troops
9 x horses
Set of banners
3 x stands 3cm x 4 cm

15mm, metal

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